Source code for flow.core.util

"""A collection of utility functions for Flow."""

import csv
import errno
import os
from lxml import etree
from xml.etree import ElementTree

[docs]def makexml(name, nsl): """Create an xml file.""" xsi = "" ns = {"xsi": xsi} attr = {"{%s}noNamespaceSchemaLocation" % xsi: nsl} t = etree.Element(name, attrib=attr, nsmap=ns) return t
[docs]def printxml(t, fn): """Print information from a dict into an xml file.""" etree.ElementTree(t).write( fn, pretty_print=True, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)
[docs]def ensure_dir(path): """Ensure that the directory specified exists, and if not, create it.""" try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise return path
[docs]def emission_to_csv(emission_path, output_path=None): """Convert an emission file generated by sumo into a csv file. Note that the emission file contains information generated by sumo, not flow. This means that some data, such as absolute position, is not immediately available from the emission file, but can be recreated. Parameters ---------- emission_path : str path to the emission file that should be converted output_path : str path to the csv file that will be generated, default is the same directory as the emission file, with the same name """ parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) tree = ElementTree.parse(emission_path, parser=parser) root = tree.getroot() # parse the xml data into a dict out_data = [] for time in root.findall('timestep'): t = float(time.attrib['time']) for car in time: out_data.append(dict()) try: out_data[-1]['time'] = t out_data[-1]['CO'] = float(car.attrib['CO']) out_data[-1]['y'] = float(car.attrib['y']) out_data[-1]['CO2'] = float(car.attrib['CO2']) out_data[-1]['electricity'] = float(car.attrib['electricity']) out_data[-1]['type'] = car.attrib['type'] out_data[-1]['id'] = car.attrib['id'] out_data[-1]['eclass'] = car.attrib['eclass'] out_data[-1]['waiting'] = float(car.attrib['waiting']) out_data[-1]['NOx'] = float(car.attrib['NOx']) out_data[-1]['fuel'] = float(car.attrib['fuel']) out_data[-1]['HC'] = float(car.attrib['HC']) out_data[-1]['x'] = float(car.attrib['x']) out_data[-1]['route'] = car.attrib['route'] out_data[-1]['relative_position'] = float(car.attrib['pos']) out_data[-1]['noise'] = float(car.attrib['noise']) out_data[-1]['angle'] = float(car.attrib['angle']) out_data[-1]['PMx'] = float(car.attrib['PMx']) out_data[-1]['speed'] = float(car.attrib['speed']) out_data[-1]['edge_id'] = car.attrib['lane'].rpartition('_')[0] out_data[-1]['lane_number'] = car.attrib['lane'].\ rpartition('_')[-1] except KeyError: del out_data[-1] # sort the elements of the dictionary by the vehicle id out_data = sorted(out_data, key=lambda k: k['id']) # default output path if output_path is None: output_path = emission_path[:-3] + 'csv' # output the dict data into a csv file keys = out_data[0].keys() with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file: dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, keys) dict_writer.writeheader() dict_writer.writerows(out_data)