Source code for flow.networks.highway

"""Contains the highway network class."""

from flow.networks.base import Network
from flow.core.params import InitialConfig
from flow.core.params import TrafficLightParams
import numpy as np

    # length of the highway
    "length": 1000,
    # number of lanes
    "lanes": 4,
    # speed limit for all edges
    "speed_limit": 30,
    # number of edges to divide the highway into
    "num_edges": 1,
    # whether to include a ghost edge. This edge is provided a different speed
    # limit.
    "use_ghost_edge": False,
    # speed limit for the ghost edge
    "ghost_speed_limit": 25,
    # length of the downstream ghost edge with the reduced speed limit
    "boundary_cell_length": 500

[docs]class HighwayNetwork(Network): """Highway network class. This network consists of `num_edges` different straight highway sections with a total characteristic length and number of lanes. Requires from net_params: * **length** : length of the highway * **lanes** : number of lanes in the highway * **speed_limit** : max speed limit of the highway * **num_edges** : number of edges to divide the highway into * **use_ghost_edge** : whether to include a ghost edge. This edge is provided a different speed limit. * **ghost_speed_limit** : speed limit for the ghost edge * **boundary_cell_length** : length of the downstream ghost edge with the reduced speed limit Usage ----- >>> from flow.core.params import NetParams >>> from flow.core.params import VehicleParams >>> from flow.core.params import InitialConfig >>> from flow.networks import HighwayNetwork >>> >>> network = HighwayNetwork( >>> name='highway', >>> vehicles=VehicleParams(), >>> net_params=NetParams( >>> additional_params={ >>> 'length': 230, >>> 'lanes': 1, >>> 'speed_limit': 30, >>> 'num_edges': 1 >>> }, >>> ) >>> ) """ def __init__(self, name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config=InitialConfig(), traffic_lights=TrafficLightParams()): """Initialize a highway network.""" for p in ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS.keys(): if p not in net_params.additional_params: raise KeyError('Network parameter "{}" not supplied'.format(p)) super().__init__(name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config, traffic_lights)
[docs] def specify_nodes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] num_edges = net_params.additional_params.get("num_edges", 1) segment_lengths = np.linspace(0, length, num_edges+1) end_length = net_params.additional_params["boundary_cell_length"] nodes = [] for i in range(num_edges+1): nodes += [{ "id": "edge_{}".format(i), "x": segment_lengths[i], "y": 0 }] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: nodes += [{ "id": "edge_{}".format(num_edges + 1), "x": length + end_length, "y": 0 }] return nodes
[docs] def specify_edges(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] num_edges = net_params.additional_params.get("num_edges", 1) segment_length = length/float(num_edges) end_length = net_params.additional_params["boundary_cell_length"] edges = [] for i in range(num_edges): edges += [{ "id": "highway_{}".format(i), "type": "highwayType", "from": "edge_{}".format(i), "to": "edge_{}".format(i+1), "length": segment_length }] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: edges += [{ "id": "highway_end", "type": "highway_end", "from": "edge_{}".format(num_edges), "to": "edge_{}".format(num_edges + 1), "length": end_length }] return edges
[docs] def specify_types(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" lanes = net_params.additional_params["lanes"] speed_limit = net_params.additional_params["speed_limit"] end_speed_limit = net_params.additional_params["ghost_speed_limit"] types = [{ "id": "highwayType", "numLanes": lanes, "speed": speed_limit }] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: types += [{ "id": "highway_end", "numLanes": lanes, "speed": end_speed_limit }] return types
[docs] def specify_routes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" num_edges = net_params.additional_params.get("num_edges", 1) rts = {} for i in range(num_edges): rts["highway_{}".format(i)] = ["highway_{}".format(j) for j in range(i, num_edges)] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: rts["highway_{}".format(i)].append("highway_end") return rts
[docs] def specify_edge_starts(self): """See parent class.""" junction_length = 0.1 length = self.net_params.additional_params["length"] num_edges = self.net_params.additional_params.get("num_edges", 1) # Add the main edges. edge_starts = [ ("highway_{}".format(i), i * (length / num_edges + junction_length)) for i in range(num_edges) ] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: edge_starts += [ ("highway_end", length + num_edges * junction_length) ] return edge_starts
[docs] def specify_internal_edge_starts(self): """See parent class.""" junction_length = 0.1 length = self.net_params.additional_params["length"] num_edges = self.net_params.additional_params.get("num_edges", 1) # Add the junctions. edge_starts = [ (":edge_{}".format(i + 1), (i + 1) * length / num_edges + i * junction_length) for i in range(num_edges - 1) ] if self.net_params.additional_params["use_ghost_edge"]: edge_starts += [ (":edge_{}".format(num_edges), length + (num_edges - 1) * junction_length) ] return edge_starts
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_custom_start_pos(cls, net_params, initial_config, num_vehicles): """Generate a user defined set of starting positions. This method is just used for testing. """ return initial_config.additional_params["start_positions"], \ initial_config.additional_params["start_lanes"]