Source code for flow.networks.multi_ring

"""Contains the ring road network class."""

from flow.networks.base import Network
from flow.core.params import InitialConfig
from flow.core.params import TrafficLightParams
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace, ceil, sqrt

    # length of the ring road
    "length": 230,
    # number of lanes
    "lanes": 1,
    # speed limit for all edges
    "speed_limit": 30,
    # resolution of the curves on the ring
    "resolution": 40,
    # number of rings in the system
    "num_rings": 7

VEHICLE_LENGTH = 5  # length of vehicles in the network, in meters

[docs]class MultiRingNetwork(Network): """Ring road network. This network is similar to `RingNetwork`, but generates multiple separate ring roads in the same simulation. Requires from net_params: * **length** : length of the circle * **lanes** : number of lanes in the circle * **speed_limit** : max speed limit of the circle * **resolution** : number of nodes resolution * **num_ring** : number of rings in the system Usage ----- >>> from flow.core.params import NetParams >>> from flow.core.params import VehicleParams >>> from flow.core.params import InitialConfig >>> from flow.networks import MultiRingNetwork >>> >>> scenario = MultiRingNetwork( >>> name='multi_ring_road', >>> vehicles=VehicleParams(), >>> net_params=NetParams( >>> additional_params={ >>> 'length': 230, >>> 'lanes': 1, >>> 'speed_limit': 30, >>> 'resolution': 40, >>> 'num_rings': 7 >>> }, >>> ) >>> ) """ def __init__(self, name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config=InitialConfig(), traffic_lights=TrafficLightParams()): """Initialize a loop network.""" for p in ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS.keys(): if p not in net_params.additional_params: raise KeyError('Network parameter "{}" not supplied'.format(p)) self.length = net_params.additional_params["length"] self.lanes = net_params.additional_params["lanes"] self.num_rings = net_params.additional_params["num_rings"] super().__init__(name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config, traffic_lights)
[docs] def specify_edge_starts(self): """See parent class.""" edgelen = self.length / 4 shift = 4 * edgelen edgestarts = [] for i in range(self.num_rings): edgestarts += [("bottom_{}".format(i), 0 + i * shift), ("right_{}".format(i), edgelen + i * shift), ("top_{}".format(i), 2 * edgelen + i * shift), ("left_{}".format(i), 3 * edgelen + i * shift)] return edgestarts
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_custom_start_pos(cls, net_params, initial_config, num_vehicles): """Generate uniformly spaced starting positions on each ring. It is assumed that there are an equal number of vehicles per ring. If the perturbation term in initial_config is set to some positive value, then the start positions are perturbed from a uniformly spaced distribution by a gaussian whose std is equal to this perturbation term. """ (x0, min_gap, bunching, lanes_distr, available_length, available_edges, initial_config) = \ cls._get_start_pos_util(initial_config, num_vehicles) length = net_params.additional_params["length"] num_rings = net_params.additional_params["num_rings"] increment = available_length / num_vehicles vehs_per_ring = num_vehicles / num_rings x = x0 car_count = 0 startpositions, startlanes = [], [] # generate uniform starting positions while car_count < num_vehicles: # collect the position and lane number of each new vehicle pos = cls.get_edge(x) # place vehicles side-by-side in all available lanes on this edge for lane in range(min(cls.num_lanes(pos[0]), lanes_distr)): car_count += 1 startpositions.append(pos) edge, pos = startpositions[-1] startpositions[-1] = edge, pos % length startlanes.append(lane) if car_count == num_vehicles: break # 1e-13 prevents an extra car from being added in wrong place x = (x + increment + VEHICLE_LENGTH + min_gap) + 1e-13 if (car_count % vehs_per_ring) == 0: # if we have put in the right number of cars, # move onto the next ring ring_num = int(car_count / vehs_per_ring) x = length * ring_num + 1e-13 # add a perturbation to each vehicle, while not letting the vehicle # leave its current edge # if initial_config.perturbation > 0: # for i in range(num_vehicles): # perturb = np.random.normal(0, initial_config.perturbation) # edge, pos = startpositions[i] # pos = max(0, min(self.edge_length(edge), pos + perturb)) # startpositions[i] = (edge, pos) return startpositions, startlanes
[docs] def specify_nodes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] ring_num = net_params.additional_params["num_rings"] r = length / (2 * pi) ring_spacing = 4 * r num_rows = num_cols = int(ceil(sqrt(ring_num))) nodes = [] i = 0 for j in range(num_rows): for k in range(num_cols): nodes += [{ "id": "bottom_{}".format(i), "x": 0 + j * ring_spacing, "y": -r + k * ring_spacing }, { "id": "right_{}".format(i), "x": r + j * ring_spacing, "y": 0 + k * ring_spacing }, { "id": "top_{}".format(i), "x": 0 + j * ring_spacing, "y": r + k * ring_spacing }, { "id": "left_{}".format(i), "x": -r + j * ring_spacing, "y": 0 + k * ring_spacing }] i += 1 # FIXME this break if we don't have an exact square if i >= ring_num: break if i >= ring_num: break return nodes
[docs] def specify_edges(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] resolution = net_params.additional_params["resolution"] ring_num = net_params.additional_params["num_rings"] num_rows = num_cols = int(ceil(sqrt(ring_num))) r = length / (2 * pi) ring_spacing = 4 * r edgelen = length / 4. edges = [] i = 0 for j in range(num_rows): for k in range(num_cols): edges += [{ "id": "bottom_{}".format(i), "type": "edgeType", "from": "bottom_{}".format(i), "to": "right_{}".format(i), "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t) + j * ring_spacing, r * sin(t) + k * ring_spacing) for t in linspace(-pi / 2, 0, resolution) ] }, { "id": "right_{}".format(i), "type": "edgeType", "from": "right_{}".format(i), "to": "top_{}".format(i), "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t) + j * ring_spacing, r * sin(t) + k * ring_spacing) for t in linspace(0, pi / 2, resolution) ] }, { "id": "top_{}".format(i), "type": "edgeType", "from": "top_{}".format(i), "to": "left_{}".format(i), "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t) + j * ring_spacing, r * sin(t) + k * ring_spacing) for t in linspace(pi / 2, pi, resolution) ] }, { "id": "left_{}".format(i), "type": "edgeType", "from": "left_{}".format(i), "to": "bottom_{}".format(i), "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t) + j * ring_spacing, r * sin(t) + k * ring_spacing) for t in linspace(pi, 3 * pi / 2, resolution) ] }] i += 1 if i >= ring_num: break if i >= ring_num: break return edges
[docs] def specify_types(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" lanes = net_params.additional_params["lanes"] speed_limit = net_params.additional_params["speed_limit"] types = [{ "id": "edgeType", "numLanes": lanes, "speed": speed_limit }] return types
[docs] def specify_routes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" ring_num = net_params.additional_params["num_rings"] rts = {} for i in range(ring_num): rts.update({ "top_{}".format(i): ["top_{}".format(i), "left_{}".format(i), "bottom_{}".format(i), "right_{}".format(i)], "left_{}".format(i): ["left_{}".format(i), "bottom_{}".format(i), "right_{}".format(i), "top_{}".format(i)], "bottom_{}".format(i): ["bottom_{}".format(i), "right_{}".format(i), "top_{}".format(i), "left_{}".format(i)], "right_{}".format(i): ["right_{}".format(i), "top_{}".format(i), "left_{}".format(i), "bottom_{}".format(i)] }) return rts