Source code for flow.networks.ring

"""Contains the ring road scenario class."""

from flow.networks.base import Network
from flow.core.params import InitialConfig
from flow.core.params import TrafficLightParams
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace

    # length of the ring road
    "length": 230,
    # number of lanes
    "lanes": 1,
    # speed limit for all edges
    "speed_limit": 30,
    # resolution of the curves on the ring
    "resolution": 40

[docs]class RingNetwork(Network): """Ring road network. This network consists of nodes at the top, bottom, left, and right peripheries of the circles, connected by four 90 degree arcs. It is parametrized by the length of the entire network and the number of lanes and speed limit of the edges. Requires from net_params: * **length** : length of the circle * **lanes** : number of lanes in the circle * **speed_limit** : max speed limit of the circle * **resolution** : number of nodes resolution Usage ----- >>> from flow.core.params import NetParams >>> from flow.core.params import VehicleParams >>> from flow.core.params import InitialConfig >>> from flow.networks import RingNetwork >>> >>> network = RingNetwork( >>> name='ring_road', >>> vehicles=VehicleParams(), >>> net_params=NetParams( >>> additional_params={ >>> 'length': 230, >>> 'lanes': 1, >>> 'speed_limit': 30, >>> 'resolution': 40 >>> }, >>> ) >>> ) """ def __init__(self, name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config=InitialConfig(), traffic_lights=TrafficLightParams()): """Initialize a ring scenario.""" for p in ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS.keys(): if p not in net_params.additional_params: raise KeyError('Network parameter "{}" not supplied'.format(p)) super().__init__(name, vehicles, net_params, initial_config, traffic_lights)
[docs] def specify_nodes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] r = length / (2 * pi) nodes = [{ "id": "bottom", "x": 0, "y": -r }, { "id": "right", "x": r, "y": 0 }, { "id": "top", "x": 0, "y": r }, { "id": "left", "x": -r, "y": 0 }] return nodes
[docs] def specify_edges(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" length = net_params.additional_params["length"] resolution = net_params.additional_params["resolution"] r = length / (2 * pi) edgelen = length / 4. edges = [{ "id": "bottom", "type": "edgeType", "from": "bottom", "to": "right", "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t), r * sin(t)) for t in linspace(-pi / 2, 0, resolution) ] }, { "id": "right", "type": "edgeType", "from": "right", "to": "top", "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t), r * sin(t)) for t in linspace(0, pi / 2, resolution) ] }, { "id": "top", "type": "edgeType", "from": "top", "to": "left", "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t), r * sin(t)) for t in linspace(pi / 2, pi, resolution) ] }, { "id": "left", "type": "edgeType", "from": "left", "to": "bottom", "length": edgelen, "shape": [ (r * cos(t), r * sin(t)) for t in linspace(pi, 3 * pi / 2, resolution) ] }] return edges
[docs] def specify_types(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" lanes = net_params.additional_params["lanes"] speed_limit = net_params.additional_params["speed_limit"] types = [{ "id": "edgeType", "numLanes": lanes, "speed": speed_limit }] return types
[docs] def specify_routes(self, net_params): """See parent class.""" rts = { "top": ["top", "left", "bottom", "right"], "left": ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"], "bottom": ["bottom", "right", "top", "left"], "right": ["right", "top", "left", "bottom"] } return rts
[docs] def specify_edge_starts(self): """See parent class.""" ring_length = self.net_params.additional_params["length"] junction_length = 0.1 # length of inter-edge junctions edgestarts = [("bottom", 0), ("right", 0.25 * ring_length + junction_length), ("top", 0.5 * ring_length + 2 * junction_length), ("left", 0.75 * ring_length + 3 * junction_length)] return edgestarts
[docs] def specify_internal_edge_starts(self): """See parent class.""" ring_length = self.net_params.additional_params["length"] junction_length = 0.1 # length of inter-edge junctions edgestarts = [(":right_0", 0.25 * ring_length), (":top_0", 0.5 * ring_length + junction_length), (":left_0", 0.75 * ring_length + 2 * junction_length), (":bottom_0", ring_length + 3 * junction_length)] return edgestarts